Child Support for 67 Kids?

Child Support for 67 Kids?

How much child support would you have to pay for 67 kids? In the age of reproductive technology and sperm donation, being the biological father of 67 children is not entirely outlandish. (Even in the past, it occurred on rare occasions with married couples: according...
Losing My “Religion”

Losing My “Religion”

Custody battles might get more complicated, if such a thing is possible, thanks to what the Canadian government wants to do to religion. They don’t intend to do anything to religion itself, of course, but section 1(7) of their proposed Bill C-78 amendments to...
Blowing Up Your Wedding Dress

Blowing Up Your Wedding Dress

Blowing up your wedding dress when your divorce is finalized raises several interesting questions. Would Collaborative Law have been a better option? What does it say about the issue of blame? And what does it say about the tailoring of the dress itself? Starting with...
Dog’s Best Interests After Divorce

Dog’s Best Interests After Divorce

What should we do with a dog from a broken home? Under the law, the answer has traditionally been quite simple: dogs and other pets are property, in the same category as silverware and automobiles. A dog’s best interests after divorce do not come into play — the...
Disney-Dad Rules

Disney-Dad Rules

If it’s best for kids to spend approximately equal time with each parent after divorce, then why is the “Disney Dad” schedule — every other weekend and perhaps a mid-week overnight — still being officially recommended in the U.S. court system? This...
Fe/male Infertility

Fe/male Infertility

If you are a would-be father with infertility problems, you might be advised to lose weight, take antioxidant supplements, and wear freeze-pack underwear to cool the testicles. Such treatments may be indicated because, according to a recent article the The Daily Mail,...
Freeze eggs, stop time

Freeze eggs, stop time

Younger and younger women are freezing their eggs nowadays, according to a recent story in the New York Times. There are various reasons for this: the cost of the procedure has come down dramatically; many women want “insurance” against possible obstacles...

We’re Both Your Mama

Along with real life comes, amongst other things, questions and conundrums. For instance, a lesbian couple is embarking on having a child. One of the women (let’s call her “Mary”) will provide her egg to fertilize with donor sperm. The resulting...

New Parentage Law in Ontario

On January 2, 2017, a new parentage law will come into effect in Ontario. Known as Bill 28: All Families Are Equal Act, it is an amendment to the province’s Children’s Law Reform Act. There are many new exciting changes as a result, including the following: A...